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Updated: Oct 14


Trumps grandfather Friedrich left Germany without completing his military service. As a successful brothel owner in Washington State and Canada he began the Trump family fortune

based on prostitution (1,2) . It was funny seeing the Canadian prime minister pranking Trump by gifting him a picture of his grandfathers brothel (9). . His grandfather returned to Germany with the equivalent of $582,000 he had made from operating brothels in America and Canada (2). But because he left Germany without completing his military service he was deported back to the America. He was the first draft dodger in the Trump family.


Donald trumps father  started working in real estate  with the money that the grandfather made from prostitution (10).  He made liberal use of federal subsidies. During WW2 Trumps father was pretending to be Swedish while Americans were fighting Germans in Europe (15).   He got rich building wartime apartments and military barracks.  Trump has claimed that his father was Swedish (12,13,14).


Donald trump was sent to a military high school because he was a disciplinary problem (16,17). His father was on the board of directors of the school. Trump would later say he knew more about  the military than the generals do. Trump received some questionable draft deferments for bone spurs that did not distract him from playing all sports (18) . He avoided going to fight in Vietnam.  But on the Howard stern show he claimed  that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases from all the girls was his personal Vietnam  (19).


Trump withdrew troops from Syria giving up the fight against the terrorists there. (20,21,22).   He allowed the Russians and Syrians to take over territory that Americans had fought and died for. And he let the Russians take over the base that American taxpayers had paid to build there (23,24). Trump allowed Americas allies there,  the Kurds , to be slaughtered between his business partners the Russians and the Turkish (25,26) . US soldiers were not happy with abandoning the kurds who were American allies in Syria (27). This was another example  to the world that America cant be trusted (28).  This was a surrender without signing a formal surrender document.


During the Trump administration the American military in Afghanistan was not exactly winning the hearts and minds of the local people.   A United Nations report said  that the American military and the Afghan soldiers were killing more civilians that the Taliban (29). Trump negotiated  a pullout agreement with the Taliban while excluding the Afghan government .    This was essentially a very embarrassing surrender. He gave the Taliban everything they wanted. He agreed to releasing 5000 terrorists out of prison before getting any Americans out. This was included in the American capitulation document (30) . This is the opinion of the former national security advisor  general H.R. McMaster “ Our secretary of state signed a surrender agreement with the Taliban,” Mr. Trump’s second national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, said of Mr. Pompeo during a podcast interview with the journalist Bari Weiss on Wednesday. “This collapse goes back to the capitulation agreement of 2020. The Taliban didn’t defeat us. We defeated ourselves.” Afghanistan was another humiliating surrender  for trump. 


Trump had a meeting in the white house with Russian diplomats with no other Americans  present. He gave code word secured intelligence information to the Russians (31,32,33). This is a country that is an enemy of democracy around the world and that has attacked the American election system. Trump later admitted that he did this (34,35). The Israelis were outraged that trump would share their intelligence information with the Russians without telling them (36,37). This put their agents at risk of getting killed (38). Later the national security advisor said he was at the meeting but   its unclear if he was at all the meetings with Russians.   This was another incident that caused the allies not to trust  America. 


By 2019 Trump had met with Putin,  an enemy of democracy , 5 times with no other Americans present (39). Why that kind of secrecy  for meeting with an enemy of democracy? After both the Mueller investigation and the republican senate led investigation reported that Russians have tried to interfere with US elections trump at the Helsinki meeting stood by Putin against America (45).  Sen. John McCain, the Arizona Republican, called it "one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.


Trump said Russia should do whatever it wants with any NATO country that has not paid enough (40). He is too senile to know what other countries have paid (41,42,43,44). And he should not be inviting Russia to attack democratic countries. Trump has regularly supported Russia’s attack on the Ukraine.  He has suggested to surrender parts of the Ukraine to appease Russia. None of Americas allies in Europe are happy about this. They remember that the Chamberlain appeasement led to WW2. If Russia were able to take control of the Ukraine then Poland or another European country would be attacked next.


Trump also surrendered in Georgia (46,47). This was not a military surrender but it was for an attack on America. Trump is from a draft dodger family. He often poses as a tough guy.  But he has a long history of surrender. Hopefully his attacks on America will come to an end in November and he will appear for the remainder of his criminal trials. 

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